Sunday, November 22, 2009

The 9 month Search.....

22 november 2009, marks a day in the history of my life. i love achievements; i'm a 'WINAHOLIC'. Winaholic?? may be that aint the right word but who cares!! (although i hope someone does nominate it to become the part of a dictionary).

IM SO %$#@^&* happy.!!! I found my treasure. Well may be not that big a deal to anyone, but i hope you are feeling the adrenaline pumping in...CAN YOU FEEL IT??
I just can't get myself to write...Think straight gal...CONCENTRATE....Huusaaaa...deep breath...hold it...5..4..3..2..1........ ... ....... .... .. .... ... (lost in thought)......... ....gasping. . .. . . . . oh crap!!..release...phew!!

So where do i begine?

oh god I'm so freakin..excited...i mean its that click of the moment...that one symbol...hhmmmm...everyone said you were gone forever deleted....they said YOU EXPIRED!!

What idots. well you see it's my fault anyhow. i created you without a second thought...coz it was a craze back then...i just joined in...who knew it would cause so many problems...but baby now i found you again. i promise not to leave were are and always will be mine...i will raise you up to live up to your name..i love you!!!

today after the 9 month long search i finally found my BLOG again...which i had forgotten!! GOD BLESS YOU can really do wonders.....YOUR MY HERO!!