Friday, November 27, 2009

WhAt OnE RoAd CaN Do?!

I'm not the biggest fan of any subject in class!! I may manage the grades but honestly i'd rather watch the entire season of DEXTER (that's my latest craze) at a stretch than study the night before those horrible exams. What draws my attention minutely to a subject is not the matter itself, but i'm more interested in who teaches it!! Just ask my classmates how important the teacher is, He/She can make or break the subject!

For me, life has been my greatest teacher. I've always believed that there's noting more you can learn in a classroom that you can't learn out in the open. I mean why get a degree spending a trillion bucks when you can just get the same information from the internet for a microscopic fraction of the cost. ASK ME!! i'm in one of these FUTHER EDUCATION colleges; and what i have understood is that somehow when there are people who are older to you, and have a few PHD and research feathers in their hats it all seems somewhat reassuring that what we are learning from the text books who were writen by more people who have to prove their knowledge to the world!

Don't get me wrong or call me a hypocrat yet, im just gettin started here- give me a chance to finish what i'm saying and then pass all the judgements you want.

I love reading books, but i have this huge phobia, it's called the "TEXTBOOKOPHOBIA" no clue how i got it, my dad is a doc and still loves reading his text books for the information and my mom graduated with Bsc honours. So how did i develop this phobia i haven't the slightest idea. So enough with me justifying about the education system, one tiny blog ain't gona change anything.

I was really impressed by WHAT ONE ROAD CAN DO!!

Keyenes was right! BRAVO! What a fantastic theory! Hell is this what i have been trying to understand for the past 8 years?

Now i will start arguing why you should still stay in school and not quit.

So it was on one of those gloomy days, where everything seemed so blue. This force of nature or divine creature if i may call my professor so comes to class and starts with a heavy class of economics. Now let me tell you this the closest i have come to liking eco is FREAKONOMICS ( must read for those who don give a damn about this subject). So anyhow, my professor starts this class on the aggregate demand or something like that, and goes on about some consumption, and expenditure and investemnts ( i actually thought that all of them were the same) and goes on about how they are connected and related...bla bla bla.....

I just couldn't wait to get out of that class, it was 4.15 and my hunger grew from bad to worse. So just as i looked at the watch and was about to pray to god to fastforward time 15 min ahead, this professor tells us a story of what wonders a road can do!

Check this out:

Things around you are going slow. No one freaking cares about doing anything and don't want to get off their lazy asses to work: because of the EXCUSE that there is no work. So what do you do? Just take every last penny you have saved and invest it into building a road. Now these lazy asses have no excuses to not work. So work=money, that means that people now will buy more (don't ask what!) and then you will have to produce more and then you can expand and more activity takes place and now the whole world is one happy place, more money for everyone.

Simple logic? Well guess what this is called? "The MULTIPLIER", I mean imagine for 8 year untill now the multiplier was some complicated shit some smart alik wrote just because he wanted to torture the future generations. But this teacher breaks it down to the basics and from that day onwards all i can ever see in any activity is bloody economics and the multiplier. I have become obsessed with it i think. WHY??? Coz the teacher is that awesome.

So now i'm this chick who takes the trouble reading economics for the subject and not coz i have to pass. I think its good once in a while to open your ears around and listen to people who makes sense....

After all this if your still wondering what I just said or why you wasted you time reading this utter nonsense, I have no clue why i even wrote this!!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


• Did Armstrong actually land on the moon??
• Is the US fed actually controlling the money supply of the world??
• Is Subhash Chandra Bose still alive (though I hardly think he would survive till now!)
• Is 2012 the end of the world?? (That story never gets old now does it? First it was 2000 then 2010 then 2012…judging by experience I think we are pretty safe you guys. Its AOK to live life normally.)
I have no clue if these are true, or even false; I’m not taking any responsibility if tomorrow morning you get up, get dressed, skip breakfast, kiss your spouse (or not- because you had to sleep out on the couch or porch depending on the intensity of your disparity) and step out of your house and the earth suddenly cracks open and you fall into a deep crevasse of hot molten lava. May be it was your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/HUSBANDS or the breakfast. So Don’t forget to keep her/him/it (I’m not excluding the pets at home-they have feelings you know) happy and buy all the things she/he/it wants. Never know when the curse just might work!
So what do I know that’s new? Keep this to yourself….
I know someone who OWNS THIS GODDAMN WORLD!

Just hear me out; before you think im a nutjob!

So Mr 5’7” fair, coloured eyes is just another ordinary guy. He leads a normal life (YEAH RIGHT!). He’s friendly with everyone or may be a little too friendly. Usually holds onto the hand of the person who offers him a handshake, a bit too long. Kiss ass, to everyone on this planet. Has tricks up his sleeves all the time. Seems to get affected by everyone he comes across in some way or another. Knows his politics well and I can just go on. These seem normal don’t they? Well you may just say hey I think shes describing the guy sitting next to me in class.

But that’s the beauty of it, he knows how to blend in. What my dear friend doesn’t know here is that I’m onto him. He has no F@#$%^G idea that I know his secret. He is very cautious, very very cautious infact he has prsonalised bodygaurds or may I say the FED agents around him all the time. Dressed as civilions ofcourse. He knows about every theory created on this earth. But doesn’t know the symbols ‘>’ apart from ‘<’. Poor guy too much on his mind; just cant figure it out. He only loves himself, well that’s a BIG SURPRISE. What’s strange is that he’s never seen with the same group of friends everyday and the thing even stranger is that I have never seen those people ever again. He always is dressed up as 007 or atleast thinks he is. And he always has an opinion for everything.

He’s had every single experience in the world yet he’s only 25. He seems t know the dirt on every famous person or company. Huge cash reserves (though I think he still owes me a treat for his B-DAY). Get this he gets straight A’s for his participation in class in all the subjects but he gets like an average B and C in the writen, clever fellow knows how to balace his grades to not make eit look suspicious.

Let me tell you one thing this was not an easy chore. I’ve had to work hard to 8 months now to get all the scoop. It all begane when I couldn’t figure out why he spoke to every single teacher outside class for 10 min after every single class everyday. Some may call it ASS KISSING. I was in this dilusion too, but thanks to many months of investigation I have finally uncovered his true identity.
Mr. G!
That’s who he is. And all the talking outside class was actually coded language through which he comunicated his feedback to the teachers. The college was set up and funded by him and he sits in class for BETA testing. He has had people in love or worshping him all the time. He is god to some and an asshole to many others, love him or hate him you just cant ignore him. He’s there in every single one of our lives, the guy who thinks he knows it all and the one who thinks he rules the world ( I’m talking about the same guy here).

If he aint the owner of the world, then who else could he be?

So if you see him anywhere around you it’s better to stay away. That’s my sincere advice. I goto go for now! I think he’s tracked me down……. Well just before I leave and catch my midnight plane (to XXX XXXX I cant tell you who I am or where I’m going it’s too risky. He may find out.) I will tell you this……..that in life when you find him…..just…

DISCLAIMER: This article had to be discontinued due to some serious problems, May Her Soul Rest In Peace

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The 9 month Search.....

22 november 2009, marks a day in the history of my life. i love achievements; i'm a 'WINAHOLIC'. Winaholic?? may be that aint the right word but who cares!! (although i hope someone does nominate it to become the part of a dictionary).

IM SO %$#@^&* happy.!!! I found my treasure. Well may be not that big a deal to anyone, but i hope you are feeling the adrenaline pumping in...CAN YOU FEEL IT??
I just can't get myself to write...Think straight gal...CONCENTRATE....Huusaaaa...deep breath...hold it...5..4..3..2..1........ ... ....... .... .. .... ... (lost in thought)......... ....gasping. . .. . . . . oh crap!!..release...phew!!

So where do i begine?

oh god I'm so freakin..excited...i mean its that click of the moment...that one symbol...hhmmmm...everyone said you were gone forever deleted....they said YOU EXPIRED!!

What idots. well you see it's my fault anyhow. i created you without a second thought...coz it was a craze back then...i just joined in...who knew it would cause so many problems...but baby now i found you again. i promise not to leave were are and always will be mine...i will raise you up to live up to your name..i love you!!!

today after the 9 month long search i finally found my BLOG again...which i had forgotten!! GOD BLESS YOU can really do wonders.....YOUR MY HERO!!