It’s simple. I have just about 15 minutes more to squander away in the office. I just submitted a report that was not due today. For some time now life in my “WORK ENVIRONMENT” has become mundane, and I’m counting my days till I get to go back to college. Dam internships!!!
Now I have about 12 more minutes to fritter away…..what I did in the past 3 were:
• Scratch my head.
• Start writing this post.
• Edit this post
• And finally scrap the whole thing and start afresh.
The countdown is painfully sluggish!!!
Still 11 minutes to go and as I’m hastening to write this post since I don’t want to discontinue now, I’m also trying to download a software from; eves dropping on a conversation, checking the spelling of eves dropping. Dam it!!! I still got it wrong. It's "eavesdop", anyway I keep looking out to see if my boss is watching me, correcting my typo’s and thinking if I should get a subway sandwich or just eat junk. This choice is crucial because I’m trying to go on a diet (after being told by 5 people that I have put on weight; on my last visit to Mangalore). I decide that I’ll decide on the way down.
10 MORE minutes to go; I might as well walk out of the office, but I don’t want my boss to see me leave before my colleague who should have left by now, since he usually leaves at 6 sharp. I look the clock on my desktop. 8 more minutes to go!
Ok. Now I’m just aggravated and I’m writing jus so that this post is as prolonged as the other ones on my blog.
8 minutes 28 seconds to go…..time has officially frozen in my office!!! Aaaaagaggghhhhhhh!!!! Get me out of here…WHHY GWAD WWWHHHYY??? Why WHY me????
Great!!! There’s a power cut. But even the backup sets up in 3 seconds. 7 minutes to go.
My boss decides to go for his coffee. He takes my colleague along
I go home with 6 minutes to spare till the end of my actual day.
Wow, you actually articulated all that time? Where are the seconds?!
Nice blog! :-)
thanks adi!! means a lot....basically this is where I de-frustrate myself!!! If that's even a word.
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