Sunday, December 7, 2008

Couch Potato!

Isn't it funny that one of the most versatile little legumes have been in our lives forever; but we have completely taken them for granted?
I want to bring to your notice today about these amazing creatures if i may call them so. One of God's greatest gift to mankind after.........after.........hmmmm.....i don't exactly know what; (give me a break here i "just" started taking them seriously) but i sure dig them.
You see POTATO is not merely a word; its a culinary celebration; its a metaphor; a toy; a punishment; a joy. It is present with each of us. We love it; we hate it; but hell we can't live without it.
I write this blog munching down a box of Pringles. Co-incidentally the flavor is-loaded baked potato. Even these guys have started taking them seriously. Could there be more potato!
My favorite pass time is to lie on the couch laze around watch a movie and gobble down a bag of chips. In short become a COUCH POTATO. Another diversified use of them. score! POTATOES-2; other veggies-nil.
Could u imagine eating some carrot chips and dip? Banana may be!
Potatoes are also the most wonderful source of punishment! "Get peeling." i think is the most favorite punishment that has been carefully handed down from generation to generation. After a lot of intensive research the reasons for this are:
  • They are hard to peel; thus the punishment aspect is brought.
  • They are not as painful as onions to be peeled; thus the human rights activists don't have much of a problem.
You may think I'm running out of ideas to put into this silly little blog. Hold that thought!
they are last but not the least one of the most enticing pass times for the little devils(children).
Yup! remember Mr. Potato Head?
So you see though you may not have realized the full potential of this little 'taken-for-granted' darling i have, and so from this day forward i beg you to look upon this wonderful being as your own.
Which holiday would be complete without the potato?
You can replace the turkey with the chicken, or the butter nut squash with the pumpkin but there can be no other veggie that you can mash, bake, fry, stuff, boil, grill or even dry and every time no matter what the treatment would be it would still taste absolutely wonderful!
God bless them!


Unknown said...

Hehehe ...
U cudnt write anythin else that reflected your style and your wit better :P
good going pattu :)
i hope there will be more like these to come ...